Sport and Exercise Far East connections continue to develop

Following the success of hosting 60 football coaches from China on a three-month study visit over the 2016 summer term, in November 2016, Dr Jacky Forsyth (Senior Lecturer, Sport and Exercise) and Mr Nigel Lee (International Office) visited various Universities and high schools throughout China as part of a two-week study and career roadshow, organised by the British Council. The objectives of the roadshow were to showcase our courses in sport and exercise and to promote Staffordshire University’s profile, for the purposes of recruiting both undergraduate and postgraduate students to our courses in the future.

The tour involved visits to six different cities (Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Ningbo, Suzhou and Guangzhou, selected by the British Council), incorporating demo classes and meetings at four universities and four schools. This subject-focused roadshow was the first of its kind for the British Council, China, and it was a great opportunity for Staffordshire University to be a part of it.

In the demo classes and career talks, we highlighted what it was like to study and live at Staffordshire University, and students got a taste of how British lectures differ to the customary lecture format in China. We highlighted our current research on the differences between males and females regarding fat oxidation following high intensity interval exercise. The students were able to get involved Basketball session china tourusing our Turning point clickers, engaged in discussion and debate, and learnt about our applied work at the University.

We also met with staff at Chengdu Sport University, Chongqing University and Chengdu Normal University, in order to discuss collaboration opportunities (such as partnerships, and opportunities for research collaborations, and student exchanges). These meetings were only possible because of the recent three-month study visit that we hosted (along with Stoke City FC Community Trust) for 58 Chinese football coaches on behalf of the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC) and the China School Sports Federation (CSSF). As the coaches have now become Staffordshire University’s alumni, they were able to share their campus and learning experiences with their colleagues and students.

From our experiences of further and higher education in China, we learnt how courses in China in sport and exercise are evolving and growing rapidly, from a strong base on physical education and physiotherapy into sports science and management of sport. From the meetings we had with both the different universities as part of the British Council roadshow, and via our Chinese football coaching alumni, we are very mGroup Photo - china touruch looking forward to future developments and collaborations.

For further information about the sports courses at Staffordshire University please visit our Sport Courses