Big Biology Day 2018: The Education Edition

This year the Education Department supported the Big Biology day with an offering of:

Clay, Snot, Unhealthy Ponds, Minibeast Zone and a Vaccination Clinic. It was great to expand the offering on the day to attract even the youngest of visitors.

If you wish to make your own snot, you simply need a drop of green food colouring, cornflour and water, ‘hey presto’ you’ve got snot! Children were able explore what the health benefits of mucus are, and where it comes from within their bodies. As well as benefitting from the sensory exploration… it turns out that snot is indeed quite therapeutic!

The unhealthy pond game gave children the opportunity to develop their hand-eye coordination whilst fishing for the healthy fish with a net or rod amongst the plastic rubbish. Once the healthy fish were saved, children were able to paint a beautiful picture of their healthy pond. This enabled discussion surrounding littering, conservation and caring for the environment, whilst simultaneously allowing children to get creative and messy with paints.

The minibeast zone was combined between the Education Department and Nursery Resources. This elicited exploration and investigation of natural resources, discovering minibeasts and counting their legs and wings. Again, this enabled discussion surrounding knowledge and understanding of the world, as well as having a giggle at what creepy crawlers give us the heebie jeebies.

The vaccination clinic was a role play zone enabling families to learn about the benefits of vaccination and children were able to take the role of the clinician administering the vaccine via a syringe to the teddies. Children were also engaged in discussion surrounding medicine and herd immunity.

The clay offering was in conjunction once again with BCB contributing to the cast of 1000. Children designed and moulded human bodies promoting the value and benefits of STEAM and Educlaytion.

It was a fantastic day that we look forward to supporting once again in the future. A special mention must go to the Biology Department (staff and students) that supported Fran and Heather on the day with the Education offering, fantastically talented people and one of the many reasons we’re #ProudToBeStaffs.