It’s just Brilliant to be back

The level 6 Education Department students kicked off semester 2 with a visit from Martin Burder from The Art of Being Brilliant. We made sure we wore our positive pants and strapped ourselves in for a motivational, inspirational, and emotional ride, and Martin certainly delivered.

We chatted through what it means to be more positive, how we can make daily changes to eventually form healthy habits, and the many benefits this has for us and others.

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Graduate Blog – Karine’s Story

It strange to think that 3 years ago I was just starting out my journey on BA Hons ECS and now I have graduated with a first-class degree. The road to success has been like a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs, twists and turns but every moment was worth it. As nothing worth having is ever going to be easy. I had to work hard, be dedicated, made sacrifices and faced adversity. And this is what people sometimes don’t see or understand.

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Graduate blog – Claire’s Story

Looking back, I never believed I would graduate on the Foundation Degree let alone continue to this higher level on the BA hons top up.

Did I enjoy it? Yes, absolutely.

You have got to want to do your course, motivation and passion for your subject is paramount to success. Time management is really important too, be realistic with how much time you have each week to study and pull in support if you start to consistently compromise this. My husband worked away for the majority of the FD and Top-up, I worked full time and have two busy children. Life is tough to balance, but organise yourself, make those lists, use a planner, set deadlines and put in the time and research. I constantly found myself waiting at a dance class or football training, googling and tweeting information which could be useful and emailing it to myself to refer to, later.

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The Education Show

With memories of my primary school teacher days I boarded our coach with a group of students for a day trip to the Education Show at the NEC in Birmingham. Thankfully, unlike my primary school days there was no need to sing songs, administer to the travel sick, or try and stop them from eating their packed lunches before we got there.  The show is a good outing for us. It enables us to visit trade stands and see up to date resources useful in teaching including my favourite  – rows of sparkly pens and colourful paper. Who can resist? Certainly not me.

Some of the stands offer ‘freebies’  and students came back laden although I merely managed a glue stick and a highlighter, in their eyes I had probably failed.  It also enables discussion with people providing things like outdoor activities for school groups. There are other stands which give you the chance to get ‘hands on’ so, for example, students tried making ‘slime’ a wonderfully tactile material which has qualities of both liquid and solid. Personally I couldn’t resist the opportunity to have a go at the climbing wall that Girl Guiding had on offer.  I wasn’t exactly dressed for it but why should that stop me? Continue reading