
The Staffordshire Centre for Psychological Research is home to a number of public engagement events, where we share our research with the wider public and academic community. Our events include:

Stoke Psychology in the Pub: We run a successful Psychology in the Pub (#PitPStoke) monthly event as part of the West Midlands Branch of the British Psychological Society. The talks are held in The Glebe Pub, Stoke Town by Stoke Minster (more details and directions can be found here). All are welcome to attend these free talks.

Staffs Visiting Speaker Series: We host a vibrant guest speaker programme (#StaffsVSS). We invite external speakers to share their research work and ideas with our staff and students which fosters a creative and innovative research culture. The Visiting Speaker talks are held over the academic year and are open to all staff, students and anyone with an interest in Psychology (click here for more details).

Follow the Staffordshire Psychology team on twitter (@StaffsPsych) for details of the latest news and events!

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