Research Funding for British Art

This is a funding source for those working in FACT or other arts related areas.

Funding body Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Scheme Research Support Grants
Overview The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art invites applications for its research support grants. These support travel, subsistence and other research costs for scholars already engaged in research involving the study of British art or architectural history. Funding may be used to visit collections, libraries, archives or historic sites.
Deadlines 15/09/2013
Costs Up to £3,000

This funding application is not due in until September, but it is always useful to have plenty of time to consider and prepare a grant application. The Paul Mellon Centre funding tends to repeat each year, so even if you don’t have a project on the brew it is a fund source to keep in mind for the future.

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About Holly Hoar

I am the Development Officer (Research & Funding) in Research, Business and Employability Services. The Research team provides information to University staff on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. Our Research and Funding Blog contains information on funding opportunities and the activities of the team. See my staff profile here

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