Discipline hopping in Information and Communication Technologies

ICT researchers are being encouraged by EPSRC to pursue “an immersive experience in other disciplines and user environments” by considering Discipline Hopping.

Discipline Hopping Awards will provide short-term support to allow researchers from core ICT fields to work outside their specialist area, bringing a multidisciplinary and user-driven focus to research.

Alternatively, non ICT specialists can apply for funds to bring a technological perspective to their home discipline.

The call is aimed at researchers who have a proven track record of research and will provide funding to develop skills and collaborations with other disciplines and end users.

EPSRC may signpost specific research areas for discipline hopping from time to time. Details of these areas may be found on the discipline hopping page.

For further information go to: http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/funding/calls/open/Pages/disciplinehopping.aspx

No closing date