SU students Win National Social Enterprise Award

Spitalfields market in London was home to 15 pop up shops this week as UK HEI’s competed over 2 days to win one of four National UnLTD Social Enterprise awards.

Funded by a Staffordshire University Social Enterprise UnLTD “try it” award three of our students travelled to London to set up a pop up shop.Congratulations go to Staffordshire University students; Andy Evans, Christina Turnock and Amy Pass (see pic below), who won a UnLTD Digital Marketing Award, selling a variety of products, including tea cups and saucers and sketch books, our students wowed the judges with their digital marketing campaign.

The prize is a day in London with marketing company “Born Social” to explore a digital marketing strategy as well as developing a on going mentoring relationship. Brilliant news and a great opportunity for our enterprising students to develop their skills.

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