Presentations from Info Day on Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Now Available

Slides from the information event about Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances under the Erasmus+ Programme organised by the European Commission on 12 November 2014 in Brussels are now available on-line.

The Info Day provided support to applicants for Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances in developing their proposals for the deadline of 26 February 2015. It gave networking opportunities to over 300 organisations across Europe.

Knowledge Alliances
The European Commission is supporting Europe’s innovation capacity in higher education, business and the broader socio-economic environment. These are multilateral, transnational, result-driven projects open to any discipline, sector and to cross-sectoral cooperation. Projects need to involve at least 6 organisations from 3 different Programme Countries, of which at least 2 need to be higher education institutions and 2 enterprises.

Sector Skills Alliances
Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects drawing on evidence of trends in a specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in one or more professional fields. The consortia are designing and delivering joint vocational training programmes and teaching and training methodologies. The sectors that are eligible under this action in 2015 are:

  • Manufacturing and Engineering;
  • Commerce;
  • Information and communication technology;
  • Environmental technologies (Eco-innovation);
  • Cultural and creative sectors;
  • Health care;
  • Tourism.

Projects need to involve at least 9 organisations from 3 different Programme Countries. In each country there must be a ‘trio’ composed of: vocational education and training provider(s), organisation(s) with expertise in a particular sector (including research centres) and bodies with regulatory function in education and training systems.

Main funding rules
• Duration: 2 or 3 years;
• Grants: € 700.000 or up to € 1.000.000;
• Grant for implementation support based on staff unit costs (covering all project expenditure) and in duly justified cases for mobility activities.

Further Guidance

More details are available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide on the Call website. The e-Form and instructions for submission will be published by the EC in December 2014.