HEIF 15/16 Innovation Vouchers – Call OPEN

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Research, Business and Employability Services have opened a call for Innovation and Collaboration vouchers, open to all staff. Innovation and Collaboration Vouchers are designed to support innovative projects, collaborations with companies and cross faculty working.

Call Information

  • Application period: 5th – 30th October 2015
  • Total Budget for theme: 10 vouchers at £4k
  • Projects duration: 4 months
  • Not funded: Internal faculty admin costs, Research Projects, Training and Teaching and learning

The application form along with a best practice example is now available for download in the HEIF dropbox below:

HEIF 15-16 Innovation and collaboration voucher documents

* NOTE you do not require a Dropbox account to access the documents, close dialogue box (x in right hand corner) and the documents will be accessible



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