Partner Search for H2020: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies



The Polibienestar Research Institute from the University of Valencia are looking for partners to submit applications for any of the open calls related to Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020:


– Co-creation for growth and inclusion (CO-CREATION)
– Reversing inequalities and promoting fairness (REV-INEQUAL)
– Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space (CULT-COOP)

Polibienestar is part of the University of Valencia (Spain) and has extensive experience in cooperating with public administration and private institutions in the design, planning and implementation of social policies and in developing EU-funded R&D projects which have received funding from national and international bodies. Polibienestar has been a project partner in European projects such as:
– Innovative Social and Employment Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe (INSPIRES)
– Collective Awareness Platforms for Improving Accessibility in European Cities Regions (CAP4Access)


For further information and contact information, please see the Polibienestar profile.

The team in Research Business & Employability Services (RBES) manage the H2020 proposal process for Staffordshire University, please let us know if you are interested in H2020 funding.

You can reach us at our email: