5 NEW EPSRC Calls for Proposals inc Digital Economy & Energy

New Economic Models in the digital economy 2

 Invitation for outlines: RCUK Digital Economy theme invitation proposal for cross-disciplinary packages consisting of research and people-based activities to develop and strengthen the engagement between research communities in digital economy, economics and management.

 Closing Date: 28-06-2013


 Adoption of ICT to improve security and trust in the UK food chain

 Call for participants: A two-day Residential workshop will explore best practice from around the UK and beyond and strive to identify tools and ICT systems that can be harnessed to improve food product security, traceability, nutritional benefits and consumer confidence.

Closing Date: 01-09-2013


Call for Secondments between academic and industrial, commercial or governmental research groups

 Expression of interest: The IT as a Utility Network+ is offering funding to support secondments between academic and industrial, commercial or governmental research groups (in either direction) that will help grow the ITaaU Network+ and the RCUK Digital Economy Theme.

 Closing Date: 31-10-2013


 Call for Expression of Interest for ITaaU Network Plus Pilot Studies

 Expression of interest: The IT as a Utility network has issued a second call for Pilot Projects. Up to two projects, aiming for a wide coverage of the challenge area are available.

 Closing Date: 07-06-2013


EPSRC-NSFC call for collaborative research with China on Grid Scale Energy Storage for Intermittency

 Invitation for proposals: EPSRC, as part of the RCUK Energy Programme, wishes to develop collaborative projects between the UK and China, in partnership with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), in the field of ‘Grid Scale Storage for Intermittency’.

 Closing Date: 02-07-2013


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