Our Success


  • ViscoTurf – Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulceration, funded by feasibility studies award, under Biomedical Catalyst – Funded by the Innovate UK co-funded by MRC and Scottish Enterprise (Jan 2017- Dec 2017).
  • Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of prosthetics and orthotics services. Funded by WHO – ISPO’s USAID funded program Rehabilitation of physically disabled people in developing countries – USAID cooperative agreement DFD-A-00-08-00309-00 (2015}.

  • DiabSmart, Development of a new generation of DIABetic footwear using an integrated approach and SMART materials, Funded by the European Commission under Industry Academia partnerships and Pathways (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP, Grant Agreement Number 285985). Nov 2011 – Oct 2015.  http://www.diabsmart.eu
  • Automatic Creation of Low-Cost Insoles for the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers. Funded by NHS England under Small Business Research Initiatives scheme (SBRI) to find solutions for identified healthcare problems – Improving the Care of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer – Better prevention, diagnosis, treatment. SBRI-COLAB-5835 (Jan 2016 – Dec 2016).
  • Low-Cost Personalised Insoles for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Prevention. Funded by NHS England under Small Business Research Initiatives scheme (SBRI) to find solutions for identified healthcare problems – Improving the Care of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer – Better prevention, diagnosis, treatment – SBRI-COLAB-4972 (Apr –Aug 2015).
  • Elbet: Balance Enhancement Tool for Elderly using tele-monitoring device. Business case funded by the Clinical Commissioning Group NHS Stoke on Trent to address the need for tele-monitoring of frail elderly at home and to assess their fall susceptibility. Funded as part of Making Simple Telehealthcare work for frail elderly patients with comorbidities. (June 2012-May 2015).