This project funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to measure access to assistive technology (AT) in the UK.
The rATA is an interviewer-administered household survey and the data will provide baseline understanding of AT access globally for the WHO-UNICEF Global Report on Assistive Technology (GReAT).
Despite the urgency and the important global imperative on improving access to AT, little data has been systematically collected in countries to demonstrate the need and unmet need of AT in the population. The GReAT is the opportunity for countries to start this critical step in a coordinated manner and make a global impact on the way forward. To meet the objective of obtaining data on need and unmet need of AT in the UK population, a representative sample is required.
The project is coordinated by Professor Nachiappan Chockalingam, Associate Professor Aoife Healy and Ms Esther Dakin-Poole.
If you have any questions on this survey, please get in touch with us at: ratasurvey@staffs.ac.uk
We completed the rATA between March and June 202. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the survey. We will update the results once it is publihsed by the WHO.
You can find more information on WHO programs on Assitive Technology here.