The Certificate of Credit in Theory and Practice of Mentoring explores the key perspectives which inform and underpin the practice of mentoring. Through a series of structured exercises and case study materials, you will develop an understanding of the core skills and competencies necessary to the mentoring role.

The course will next be running October-December 2016 and is now open for applications for studying at either Level 4 or Level 7.

This short course is available either as a closed programme and tailored to suit the needs of individual organisations / groups / communities, or participants attend an open programme where they will benefit from working with people from a range of different backgrounds, experiences and skill levels.

The programme is held over six half-days or three full-days to give maximum flexibility to our clients whilst minimising the impact of time away from the workplace or community.

Participants submit a portfolio for assessment in order to achieve the Certificate of Credit. Alternatively they may elect to attend the sessions without completing an assessment and receive a Certificate of Attendance.

In the open programme, you will attend the University for 6 half-days over a 12 week period. Each of these workshops is supported by interactive delivery during which you will consider the core areas and key tools relating to the mentoring relationship. You will have the opportunity to link your experience and knowledge to session content and also to exchange experience and knowledge with your peers on the programme.

The Certificate of Credit in Theory and Practice of Mentoring is available to take at either level 4 or 7.

Upcoming course dates are available on the Courses page.

To talk through the options available for you or your organisation, please get in touch with Louise Rutherford,