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The Creative Communities Unit produces a wide variety of publications including reports, newsletters, tool-kits, videos and pod-casts. Our team publishes widely in areas related to work with communities.  We hope you can benefit from the information we offer; please make sure that you credit us when quoting our work in yours.

Here you can browse through some of the reports and publications from past Creative Communities Unit projects.


Youth Work

The Shape of Youth Work: A Profession at Risk or An Opportunity for Innovation August 2012

National Youth Work Week 2011  – Workshops Evaluation Report

Why we need youth work: A Creative Communities Unit video

This is Youth Work Networking Event: a CCU video

Community Arts

Research Report on Community Arts and Boundaries

Family Arts



Community Practice

Talk-Share Evaluation report

Hanley West and Shelton Community Plan

Pierson (2009) Tackling Social Exclusion, 2nd edition, Routledge.

Pierson (2008) Going Local: Working in Communities and Neighbourhoods, Routledge.

Get Talking

Get Talking For Appetite: Evaluation of Year One

Get Talking: Community Participation and Neighbourhood Learning

Groundwork Research Summary Report – Hanley Park Summer 2010

Get Talking in Hanley Park Report October 2011

Quality Streets Report 2010

Quality Streets Report Autumn 2010

Participatory Research Resource Pack