What is Social Enterprise?

There are many definitions of a social enterprise. Broadly it means a business that trades for its social or environmental purpose. Our understanding of social enterprise is a business that includes the following three characteristics. A social enterprise:

  1. has a mission, which it aims to fulfill, that is about making a positive difference in the community or towards a social cause (usually it has been established as a response to a social problem, need or issue);
  2. generates some income through trading by selling services or goods (it doesn’t rely on simply receiving grant aid or donations);
  3. has clear rules laid down about what it does with profits, which are normally reinvested back into the organisation towards achieving the social mission (rather than going to owners or shareholders).


What we offer

The Creative Communities Unit offers mentoring and training to support groups and individuals to explore and develop ideas for social enterprise.

Our current social enterprise projects include:

Social enterprise mattersSocial Enterprise Matters
A new programme of social enterprise events will be running with our partners over the next six months. We will be continuing to support emerging and growing social enterprises, create further networking and skill sharing opportunities and consolidating the work and partnerships that we have developed so far.

Find out more about the project.

Social Enterprise Peer Mentoring Hub

The Social Enterprise Peer Mentoring Hub combines the Creative Communities Unit’s expertise in peer mentoring and social enterprise, supporting people who are starting or growing social enterprises in and around Staffordshire. Sessions are free and held around once a month.
Find out more about The Hub.


Our past projects include:

Under One Roof