hands4wellbeinglogo-transparent-dark-textHands4Wellbeing is founded and run by Clinically Trained Complementary Therapists Diane Leopard FdSc MFHT, CNHC & Nia Roberts FdSc, MFHT, CNHC.

Their vision it to provide complementary therapies to those with long term medical conditions and their carers which are both accessible and affordable.  Hands4Wellbeing run a local clinic, visit clients at home or within retirement villages and within the workplace.  They also deliver wellbeing workshops which can support confidence, aging well and relaxation. Their service support the 5 Ways to Wellbeing – Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Share.

Their first sponsored Wellbeing Workshop for 2016 for Blood Cancer patients on the 9th March which is free to attend.


Find out more

Facebook: www.facebook.com/hands4wellbeing
Twitter: @hands4wellbeing