Horizon 2020 factsheets

Horizon 2020 is the new European Commission funding programme for collaborative research, development and innovation activities from 2014 – 2020. We will be promoting these workprogrammes at our UKRO event on 11th December. In advance of then, the Horizon 2020 draft work programmes are coming out thick and fast providing an indication of the topics you can bid for.  The External Projects Team has condensed these into a series of factsheets, providing you with an overview of the main funding opportunities. Additional factsheets will be produced as more work programmes become available. If you would like further information on any of the topics presented, please contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk for access to the full draft work programme document.

Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Secure Societies Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Nanotechnologies Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Health and wellbeing Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Food and Security Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

ICT Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Inclusive Innovative Reflective Societies Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet

Energy Challenge Briefing Sheet

Future & Emerging Technologies Briefing Sheet

Leadership in Enabling & Industrial Technologies – ICT Briefing Sheet

The Joint Research Centre Information Sheet

European Research Council Horizon 2020 Briefing Sheet