Best Practice Model template

Best Practice Model for Electronic Voting System

  • Introduction and resources for using voting systems in interactive lectures here
  • Suggested learning activities for e-supported, blended and distance learning (see the Delivery Patterns page for full details) that are mapped to the principles are below.

Active Induction

Guided Exploration

Facilitated Investigation

Self-organised Learner

 Tutor creates induction quizzes for voting  Tutor uses student-generated issues as options for voting  Students create MCQ for peers  Students plan and design multiple-choice quiz to deliver to group
 Students respond to poll in class on induction topic  Students discuss answers to tutor’s questions in groups  Students reflect on issues and solution options  Students use output from choice to reflect on own learning
 Students respond to poll in class on content topic  MCQ’s based on familiar scenarios/case studies  EVS used to gather course feedback  Students use EVS to gather data for own research/learning
Students work in groups to respond to socialisation poll Compare and contrast questions based on familiar scenarios/case studies Students plan/deliver assessment/feedback to criteria Students use EVS in external contexts e.g. conference/meetings to gather data for research/ learning
Students discuss in pairs before agreeing option to vote on Questions designed to reveal common student misconceptions EVS used for assessment Students design assessment task and criteria
Students see instant feedback following poll EVS used by students as ‘clapometer’ to indicate confusion or boredom during lecture
Students answer MCQ using EVS Students create MCQ for EVS based on content/lecture Students share and discuss MCQ for EVS in groups Students plan and design multiple-choice quiz to deliver to group via EVS

Case studies

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