Best Practice Models for e-Design

Do you want to enhance your teaching and learning with technology? The Best Practice Models for e-Design are designed to support practitioners when planning, designing and delivering learning using technology

This site includes a wide range of ideas for learning activities that use tools and technologies available at Staffordshire University. Each set of activities is mapped to the Best Practice Models Principles:

  • E-Learning is designed in timed chunks that emphasises time on task and expectations
  • E-Learning is assessed using a range of types (self/peer/tutor) and options/choices
  • E-Learning includes a variety of interactions between student/ tutors/ peers/ externals
  • E-Learning is accessibleactivity-ledcollaborative and designed in phases that support, scaffolds and increases learner independence

Select an item from the menu at the right to see all the activities that are suggested for that tool, pedagogic approach or technology.

Download the Staffordshire University e-Design Template to help you design for learning using technology.

The e-DAT (e-Design Assessment Tool) is based on the e-Design principles and can be used when reviewing and evaluating your online learning design.

Contact the TEL team if you have any queries or would like to discuss your plans for using technology.