Digital Feedback

Students want more feedback, and tutors want feedback on how students are learning. Technology can enhance feedback in a variety of ways, here are some suggestions:

  1. Take pictures in class or use the Kapp board to save and upload classroom group or individual work and give feedback in Blackboard.
  2. Student reflect on their feedback in an online journal in Blackboard, saying how they will use it to improve learning.
  3. Students can engage with feedback in an online discussion forum.
  4. Feedback can be given via audio or video.
  5. Feedback can be obtained through students participating in an online simulation or real-world activity.
  6. Students can give peer feedback in Blackboard using peer-assessment tool
  7. Students can complete online formative and self-diagnostic tests in Blackboard with immediate automated feedback.

Adapted from HEA 10 ideas for enhancing feedback with technology