Activities using E-Portfolios

  • e-Portfolios are user-selected materials that typically demonstrate evidence of activities, examples of work and reflections on experience. They are often prepared during work experience or for employers. Some useful guides include: ‘JISC Effective Practice with e-Portfolios’; and JISC InfoNet: e-Portfolios
  • Tools for e-Portfolios include Blackboard e-Portfolio, and WordPress
  • Suggested learning activities that are mapped to the Best Practice Principles are below.

Active Induction

Guided Exploration

Facilitated Investigation

Self-organised Learner

Students access e-portfolio Student selects appropriate content to add Student manages e-portfolio Student shares e-portfolio with employers etc
Students create basic page structures based on template provided by tutor Students view and evaluate sample portfolios Students reflect on own and peers’ portfolio Students reflect on resources/ portfolio and skills demonstrated
Students map assignment to criteria Students select and submit e-resources for feedback Peer feedback used to develop resources Student presents e-portfolio for assessment /employer/ professional organisation
Student groups assigned a research topic Students research topic and create ePortfolio ePortfolios shared with cohort for comments Students complete individual assignment drawing on ePortfolio
Students take photos/ videos of own practical skills Students upload photos/ videos with keywords


Students update webfolio with additional images/ assets/ commentary to demonstrate skill development Students reflect on tutor’s feedback and updates action plan
Students create ePortfolio of treatment plans based on clinical case studies Students use assessment rubric to grade own ePortfolio Students use assessment rubric to peer-assess a peer’s ePortfolio Students submit ePortfolio to tutor for grading
Students create webfolio of activities over year


Students complete ‘capstone’ activity to draw together range of learning experiences Students share webfolio with tutors and professional organisations for accreditation  Webfolio is structured to reflect professional standards

(A number of these activities were adapted from the book Pebblegogy)

Other Models

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