Activities using Multiple Choice Questions

  • MCQ’s can be used to check prior learning, challenge and to revise learning.
  • Tools for MCQ’s include Blackboard, Nearpod and Socrative
  • Suggested learning activities that are mapped to the Best Practice Principles are below.

Active Induction

Guided Exploration

Facilitated Investigation

Self-organised Learner

Student accesses all assessment information (titles, dates, instructions etc) via ‘Assessment Area’ in VLE Students review and select (if available) assessment choices or options. Students submit digital assessments through tools specified Students access feedback via ‘My Grades’ and use to reflect on learning
Students access and review feedback Students use feedback to inform learning and reflect  Students assess own and others’ work against rubrics and give feedback Students design own assessments based on learning plans
Complete MCQ on pre-requisite content  Completes MCQ on new content Students prepares MCQ for peers linked to assessment criteria Tutor reviews student-generated MCQ and selects/edits for students to complete

Assessment and Feedback Resources

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