Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles that help tutors when designing learning activities. These principles enable all students to engage and participate fully in their learning. The UDL principles from the CAST site are illustrated below:


















Image from CAST http://www.cast.org/udl/index.html

These principles are an effective way to embed accessibility into learning, but particularly online learning. Including a range of resources, a range of activities and a range of ways for students to engage seems to make good sense for students with disabilities, international students, students with different prior educational experiences, etc. Some examples for online activities that apply UDL:

  • Multiple means of representation: online, recorded, multimedia, digital resources as well as face-to-face delivery of content.
  • Multiple means of action and expression: online individual and group tasks, wikis, Padlet. Student negotiated e-assessment.
  • Multiple means of engagement: blended learning, active-based learning, student generated content
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About Helen Walmsley-Smith

I work in the Technology Enhanced Learning Team that is part of the Academic Development Unit at Staffordshire University. I work with staff across the university to support the use of technology to enhance learning in the classroom and online. I'm particularly interested in learning design for blended and distance learning, and the use of data to support learning and teaching.

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