Do you need help with your Digital Marketing this summer?

The January intake of students on the MSc in Digital Marketing Management are now looking for summer placements.

Placements will run between 1st June to 31st September and can be delivered in person, hybrid or fully remote.

To get the placement ready the students will carry out an audit of your current marketing activity, look at your competitors and provide you with a set of strategic options that could be implemented on the placement.

The majority of our students are professionals with several years of experince and you can see their profile on the link below.

The placement can be in the private sector, public sector, charity sector – given the timing of the placement it would be well suited to the tourism and hospitality sector.

If you are interested follow this link which has profiles of the students and a simple form that you can download and return to us

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  1. We’re not sure what we’re doing with our marketing can you help? You are very suited to a placement. The student will first review your activity and then in discussion with you provide you with options depending on what your needs are.
  2. What is digital marketing? Digital marketing covers a very wide rage of techniques to both get your messages out and to get customers to engage with you. From website design , SEO optimisation, content creation (including podcasts, films and blogs), email marketing, social media, PPC campaigns and more – digital marketing is so much more than just social media. In fact we have found that in general in recent years social media has been quite a way down the list of effective strategic approaches that organisations can take to develop thier digital marketing.
  3. We need someone to set up and run some social media accounts? This has been a common request but so often it is based on very little. What are you trying to achieve? Which social media channel matches the personas of your customers? What is the size of your marketing budget for paid adverts on these channels? Most social media channels have been tightened so organic growth can be very small without a budget.
  4. We’re a B2B business can you help? Yes, B2B often requires a different approach to a B2C organisation. B2B organisations are often sitting on unused assets.
  5. What resources will the placement need? A line manager who can respond to updates and proposed work to give feedback. To provide a recommendation on Linkedin at the end of a satisfactorily completed project.
  6. Will we need to pay for the placement? We have had paid and unpaid placements on the course (the workplacement is credited). Placements that are paid are likely to have access to a wider range of possible students. Some companies have paid a stipend for satisfactory completion of the project. We would expect any organisation to pay for any transport costs and meal allowance if working on site.

If you are interested follow this link which has profiles of the students and a simple form that you can download and return to us

Contact if you have any questions

#digitalmarketing #placements
Digital marketing is a wide set of techniques and skills