PhD, research, academic, European and other specialist job sites

by Prof Jon Fairburn

This blog should be especially useful for PGT, PGR and early career researchers looking for jobs, fellowships or scholarships. I also cover some relevant placement opportunities below for UG. The second half of the blog covers jobs in sectors I know well, environmental, digital marketing, placements and the West Midlands public sector.

For funding for all postgraduate training (there’s several charities that fund for example) including PhDs try

If you’re looking for a PhD then try or

In the UK all public sector jobs (with very few exceptions) have to be publicly advertised. All British Universities will have a jobs/vacancies page and most will allow you to set alerts for when jobs are being released.

The main website for anyone wanting to work in British Universities is has a useful list of research jobs

A useful site for senior academic/management jobs (especially those that go through recruitment agencies) is

The Times Higher Education is the main publication for news on the HE sector in the UK and further afield – their jobs page is here


Two forces over the next 12-18 months are likely to create hundreds of new research and academic jobs. Firstly, hundreds of posts including PhDs, post doc fellowship positions, etc. will be funded in UK universities through the EU Horizon programme. Your starting point for these is this site which covers research jobs all over Europe

Secondly, Ireland is continuing to expand jobs in it’s academic sector – the main site for academic jobs in Ireland is

Brussels is a major centre for research think tanks, charities, regional agencies as well as being home to several Universities – is an excellent starting point for research and research related jobs in Brussels.

Other Euroscience jobs can be found here


If you want a job in a Business School anywhere in the world try

Perret Laver are recruitment specialists for senior academic and management positions used by many universities and other organisations, you can register with them as well as browsing their vacancies

Specialist Environment/ sustainability/ geography

The best site for environmental jobs in the UK (especially starter jobs for graduates) is they also have plenty of volunteering opportunities on the site

For largely technical and specialist environmental jobs including many which are global try

The Guardian environment jobs page is also worth checking

Digital marketing/PR and the media

Prolific North is a fantastic site for all the news in the North of England – the jobs page is here

Charity Comms for the charity sector – the jobs page is here

If you want to work in the Sports industry as a digital marketer/content creator/ brand manager etc

Student Placements and careers

Rate my placement is the best starting point

Public Sector Jobs in the West Midlands

Please note this is my final blog for a while, after 30+ years service at Staffordshire University I have been given the honorary position of Emeritus Professor from April. My email will remain the same but I won’t be checking the account so often. If you haven’t done it yet then connect with me on Linkedin I regularly post jobs and news there.

Careers, jobs, research, environment, digital marketing
Careers, jobs, research, environment, digital marketing