We are seeking responses from Web Developers interested in developing the Phase One Digital Arts Centre website. The Arts Centre will host all digital activity and communication related to the Appetite programme.

Key Elements The Phase One site we imagine will contain the following:

• Rich media content about events within the Taster Menu with What’s On, Calendars etc.

• Attend (including ticketing details if appropriate); Getting There (venues and transport details) Get Involved (see Dashboard below)

• Social media feeds – Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, Flickr and Youtube streams with branded landing pages

• Culturemap of Stoke (see What’s On the Menu Stoke? appendix)

• About Us – details of Appetite and partner activity

• User sign-up and Dashboard • Underlying system architecture and databases

• Simple SMS update and reply service (on-costs for this will come out of a separate marketing budget) For more information on the web developers request and the project please click here CPP web brief