Last Friday the Interns at CCU along with Senior Lecturer Penny Vincent and other willing test run volunteers from UniQ at Staffordshire University found ourselves undertaking the part of our job descriptions that is generally couched in terms of “any other duties”. The task was to transport the UniQ marquee (not the smallest or lightest of items I’m sure you’ll appreciate) from the car park along with a handful of chairs to the bandstand in the centre of Hanley Park in Stoke. The purpose of our military style timed operation was to check out the logistics of setting up facilities for seating and cover from that ever present inclement British weather for future lunchtime performances of ParkLive!
So what’s ParkLive! I hear you all chant across the bloggersphere? ParkLive is a community initiative being developed by the Creative Communities Unit at Staffordshire University. It provides the opportunity for budding performers to take the stage at the bandstand to showcase their talent, be it in song, dance, poetry, comedy, drama, public speaking and the like. Performances can be from individuals, groups, adults, children or young people. If you’re interested in getting involved either to perform, be part of the audience or help out, check out details on the CCUStaffs Facebook page or follow news and links on Twitter @CCUStaffs where you can find the flyer with all the available dates. Alternatively contact Penny direct on 01782 294793 or email her at p.e.vincent@staffs.ac.uk.
As for the test run I’m afraid the results do mean that in the short term the audience will have to brave the weather until we can work out a less physically challenging strategy for transporting the kit. Though if you’re anything like me you won’t let the weather put you off getting down to the park to support local community talent. So I’ll hopefully see you down there …. I’ll be in the audience as I don’t think the stage is quite ready for my two left feet and tuneless renditions of “I’ll Survive” that great Karaoke classic!
Looking forward to some ParkLive in our ParkLife
CCU Intern