uniqThe Creative Communities Unit works closely with a variety of partners and organisations.  We have both formal research and academic partners and more informal project partners.  Please look below for further information about our partners and links to their websites if you would like to learn more.


Formal Research Partners:


University of WarsawWarsaw Uni

The CCU has been working with the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw since 2006. Their academic specialism is Cultural Animation, which is the equivalent of Community Arts in the UK.  Our joint projects include Annual Erasmus students from the Institute working with us on three-month placements. Some of our previous students produced a blog to reflect on their experiences in the UK.




VAST s a charity providing services and support to Voluntary and Community Groups, Charities and Social Enterprises in Staffordshire. Their aim is to develop, advance and promote the professional development of Staffordshire’s Voluntary and Community Sector. The Creative Communities Unit are working with VAST to research health and well-being across Staffordshire.



Formal Academic Partners:

Oasis CollegeOasis College

Based in London, Oasis is a specialist College of Higher Education with a distinctive Christian ethos offering programmes of learning in work and ministry with children, young people, families and communities. Their specialist focus means that they are a small and purposeful community of staff and students committed to the equipping and resourcing people and communities.  Oasis College offers a range of awards from foundation courses to Masters Degrees, validated by Staffordshire University.



Institute for Children Youth and MissionCYM

(CYM) is the UK’s largest provider of specialist courses in children, youth and mission work. Their courses support volunteers, student workers and professionals in churches, community settings and pioneering roles. CYM draws together colleges, organisations and individuals across the UK in a partnership that seeks to transform the church’s engagement with children and young people.



Collaborative Project Partners:

CCU has a range of strategic and operational partners with whom we work on a regular basis at a strategic level and to deliver services or projects.  Below you will find examples of some of our current partners:


AppetiteAppetite solid orange nsl-1

Appetite is a three year programme that aims to get more people to experience and be inspired by the arts from Stoke-on-Trent. Appetite is funded by Arts Council England through their  Creative People and Places fund.  Our partners on this project are:


New Vic Theatre


BArtsBrighter Futures

Arts Council


UniQ Stoke


This is an ambitious project which brings together a unique collaboration of Stoke-on-Trent’s City Council and the three key educational partners: Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent College and Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College.  The UniQ’s ambition is to invest in world class education facilities within the University Quarter.  The CCU is the lead partner for community engagement in the UniQ neighbourhood. Our

partners are:

uniq SFCSOT College


Stoke on Trent City CouncilSOT Council

The Creative Community Unit have a long history or working with Stoke-on-Trent City Council on a range of projects.  Most recently these include Friends of Hanley Park, Appetite and the Lidice Shall Live project.



Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Servicesfrs_colour_logo_135x135

The Creative Communities Unit have worked closely with Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service to consult with children and young people on the development of their Children and Young People’s Strategy using Get Talking (a model of Participatory Action Research).


Creative Health CICCIC

The Creative Communities Unit have worked with Creative Health CIC for many years on a range of projects including the development and delivery of Get Talking.


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