City of Culture Social Value Forecast Project Update

Nic is working closely with Iona Jones and a wonderful team of community researchers to carry out our social value forecast of Stoke-on-Trent winning the bid to become City of Culture in 2021.

The focus of the last couple of weeks has been interviewing some key people in the City and getting out and talking to community groups in Burslem, Meir, Cobridge, Shelton, Fegg Hayes and Goms Mill, and they still have more groups to talk to. Thanks to all of the people who have taken part so far.

All of our community consultations have Social valueused a creative social value consultation tools made for us by We are Frilly. The tools help people to map out what is important to them and to think about the many different ways in which the City of Culture could impact on the City. We are very excited about the potential for this tool for our current and future consultations.


Share your thoughts

You can tell us your thoughts by clicking here. There are just a couple of questions which should take a few minutes and we would really value your feedback.

If you would like any further information about the Creative Communities Unit’s Creative Approaches to Social Value work please contact Nic at: