Community Organisers – recruiting now!!

Burslem School of Art logoThe Creative Communities Unit and Burslem School of Art are very excited to be working together to host eight Community Organisers in Stoke on Trent.

Community Organisers logo

The Community Organisers will be employed by CoCo – a national organisation which manages Community Organisers across all of England. There is a lot of information about Community Organisers on the CoCo website here

Community organisers help residents, groups, associations and businesses in their area to develop their power to act together for the common good and  take action to tackle local issues which are important to them.

If you are passionate about bringing people together, getting people talking, listening to people’s ideas and making your community a better place to live and you are able to challenge your own and others’ attitudes and assumptions then Community Organiser is the role for you.

£8.50 per hour (subject to tax and NI)

30 – 35 hours per week (part-time option available) for 51 weeks

The contract will start on April 22nd 2013.

You must attend a three day/four night residential training course

from 16th – 19th April.

This is a year-long accredited training post leading to a Certificate in the Foundations of Community Organising. Community Organisers will be trained by Re:generate to work in communities.

The Community Organisers will start work in April. They will probably be working in Burslem area and Hanley/ Shelton/ Etruria area. They will knock on doors getting to know local residents, to find out how people feel about the area. Then they will help bring people together to take action.
They will work closely with Community First Panels and other existing groups.

If you would like to find out more please try to come to one of the drop-in information events.

Thursday 7th February 2-5pm in The Courtyard, Staffordshire University, College Rd, Shelton

Monday 11th February 4-7pm Burslem School of Art, Queen St

bsoa pic

or email


Closing Date for applications: Monday 25th February 2013 at 4pm

Assessment Day in Birmingham: Monday 4th or Thursday 7th March

Interviews: 13th or 15th March

Residential Training Course: 16th to 19th April

For an application pack phone 01782 294540, email:

or download it here – click on the links below

Trainee Community Organiser Job Pack Round 8 BSOA CCU

CO application form BSOA and CCU Feb 2013

BSOA CCU Community Organisers advert

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