Get in the ‘Mindset’ for social diversity?

CCU Social Media Editor, Adam Gratton, talks about the Creative Communities Unit’s involvement with @Mindset.

We here in the Creative Communities Unit at Staffordshire University are proud to be part of an innovative new European wide project aimed at improving social inclusion. The @Mindset project which has been created by Erasmus+ in partnership with ourselves and others across Europe will aim to boost skills and employability as well as modernise education, training, and youth work across Europe.

Project contributor Dr Barbara Emadi-Coffin said “The underpinning purpose of the project is to address issues of social inclusion in schools in the European Union.  Across Europe, especially Western Europe, primary and secondary school classrooms now host large numbers of students from diverse ethnic, lifestyle and cultural backgrounds. While Diversity Management programmes have been a growing priority in private enterprise, the concept of Diversity Management has not been promoted in schools in the EU”.

The opportunity will be far reaching, teachers and students alike will be able to participate in the research. As well as the chance to get involved in the research, you as a teacher will be invited to attend workshops where you can take part in a new Diversity Management course. At the end of the @Mindset project you and other teachers from across Europe will have access to multi-lingual on-line courses and, a toolkit designed to support you in managing classroom diversity.  If you are a student, you will have the opportunity to participate in the initial research into social inclusion, and you will benefit from the knowledge and skills that your teachers will gain from the Diversity Management course.

The project is in the very early stages – and we are still waiting from authorisation from Erasmus+ to begin the research.  A kick-off meeting for the partners will be held at Staffordshire University on November 26 and 27.  We look forward to meeting our partners from across Europe and welcoming them to Stoke.

Be sure to drop into our blog and see how and when you can get involved!


mindset staff




Adam Gratton

CCU Social Media Editor