Have your say on Adult Learning in Staffordshire!

You can help shape what is delivered in adult learning in Staffordshire.  Staffordshire Community Learning Trust is consulting with individuals and organisations in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent to get your views on adult learning in the area and launching a Community Responsiveness fund.  


Staffordshire Community Learning Trust is a joint project between Staffordshire County Council, Colleges in Staffordshire and Voluntary and Community sector adult learning providers.  To ensure that the work of the Trust reflects the needs of local learning adults we are asking both individuals and organisations to tell us what they need from adult learning.

The surveys can be accessed by following the links below.

The survey will close on Friday 11th January 2013.

The results will help to set the agenda for Staffordshire County Council’s adult learning provision in 2013/2014.  A new Community Responsiveness fund will also be made available in early 2013 so local organisations can apply to organise and deliver local learning projects.

So what else  can you do to make sure you have a say in what adult learning opportunities are available in your area? You can:

  • become involved in a Local Trust Working Party.
  • attend one of the consultation sessions running in your area in December (see picture below).
  • as a college, ask your 19+ learners to complete the individual survey and cascade the survey to your community provision.

Events flyer

More information can be found at the Trust at www.communitylearningtrust.org.uk

For further details please contact Paul Jay at Stafford District Voluntary Services

email: skillbase@sdvs.org.uk

tel: 01785 279938

131-141 North Walls



ST16 3AD