Mentoring Schemes: What’s in it for you? Top five Benefits

In today’s changing world, mentoring schemes are increasing in popularity and can provide a broad spectrum of benefits to organisations and individuals alike. Mentoring is a collaboration between two or more people and another person with more experience to provide support, advice and guidance. Over the next few weeks, find out how a mentoring programme brings benefits for your community, for your business or organisation and for you the mentees and mentors.

Hands Holding Mentor


Benefits for your Community:

Benefit #1 – Cultivating relationships

Relationships can evolve that would not start outside of a mentoring programme – e.g. between adults and the young, or between the volunteer and the resident

Benefit #2 – Developing skills

Tutoring, career exploration, life skills development and attending cultural or sporting events are all benefits of community mentoring schemes

Benefit #3 – Channelling collective energy

Providing a safe, supportive environment gives people the opportunity to explore new ideas and progress new projects with more experienced community members

Benefit #4 – Delivering successful projects

Mentoring programmes help generate a sense of belonging and responsibility – thus enabling participants to commit to seeing community projects through to completion

Benefit #5 – Encouraging positive behaviour

Communities can clearly demonstrate positive behaviour and attitudes to a wider audience by providing effective mentoring schemes


Mentoring schemes can achieve a significant amount of change with a low financial outlay that will benefit your future. To find out more about how to run an effective mentoring programme, why not join the Practical Mentoring course at Staffordshire University in January 2015?

The Certificate of Credit in Practical Mentoring explores the key perspectives which inform and underpin the practice of mentoring. Through a series of structured exercises and activities you will develop an understanding of the core skills and competencies necessary to the mentoring role. The course starts at 9:30 on Tuesday 20th January 2015 and comprises six morning sessions, ending on Tuesday 20th March 2015. Please click here for more information or contact Louise Rutherford at to discuss taking part, or take a look at our website.