Our ‘This is Youth Work Workshop’, in partnership with In Defence of Youth Work, was a fantastic day! It was held last Friday on 7th Feb and brought together those who work, volunteer and have a passion in youth work across the city and further. The event was so popular that we had a waiting list for places, which goes to show that a real need for this type of collaboration and workshop networking event is required and we should work on nurturing these relationships to build and share best practice.
Everyone engaged in some really positive conversations about where they would like the future to go regarding youth work and shared some fantastic experiences and ideas.
Take a look at the short clip below created by Toby, one of the MA students in the faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies, to get a feel of the workshop and feel free to visit our twitter and facebook pages to get in touch and follow our progress!
If you are interested in this post then we have a few masterclasses that may be of interest to you:
War or Peace? A Toolkit for Group Work
Sometimes my Head Hurts: Managing the Complexities of Youth Work
For more information on these (and what else we are running this semester) take a look at the courses tab at the top of the page.