Future Journalist 2020

Think you’ve got what it takes to be the next shining star of journalism? Enjoy writing? Love being in front of a camera? We have the perfect opportunity for you!

The Future Journalist Awards is your chance to show off your writing or filming skills and win some awesome prizes.

Organised by Staffordshire University with the support of StaffsLive, the competition aims to discover the next generation of journalists in and around Staffordshire.

How we interact with media is changing and today’s journalists requires digital skills to stay ahead.

This year, contestants can choose between submitting a piece of written content, such as an article, review or blog, or they can opt to create a short video or audio clip using a smartphone.

The competition is simple to enter and split into five year group categories…

School years 3 and 4:

Write 200 words or create a 30 second video/audio clip on a topic of your choice

School years 5 and 6:

Write 300 words or create a 45 second video/audio clip on a topic of your choice

School years 7 to 9:

Write 400 words or create a 1-minute video/audio clip on a topic of your choice

School years 10 and 11:

Write 500 words or create a 1-minute and 30-second video/audio clip on a topic of your choice

School years 12 and 13:

Write 650 words or create a 2-minute video/audio clip on a topic of your choice

The winner in each category will receive a £50 Amazon voucher and be invited
to take part in a fantastic Newsday Experience, including an interactive tour of our state-of-the-art Broadcast Newsroom.

Winning entries will also be published online by our official sponsors, Staffs Live, with the name of the winning pupil also appearing besides their work.

All finalists will be invited to a special Future Journalist Awards event taking place on Friday 20th March 2020.Framed certificates will be awarded during the awards ceremony.

Enter now and it could be you receiving an award! It’s really easy to enter, entries can be submitted via the website (https://blogs.staffs.ac.uk/futurejournalist/) or during one of our school workshops.

If you are looking to submit a video entry, we receive videos through file sharing site, wetransfer, please send this to: futurejournalist@staffs.ac.uk

The deadline for entries is Friday 7th February 2020.

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