Do you have big dreams and ambitious goals about becoming a written journalist? The FJA could help you kick start your learning and unlock doors to many adventures and opportunities.
Your secret weapon is knowing how to write an excellent application for the Future Journalist Awards. This is your opportunity to showcase your abilities, interests, and character in a few strong sentences.
It can be daunting to write something down. You don’t need to worry, though, because this article is your sidekick and is filled with tips on how to write a fantastic entry.
What do you want to write about? whether that be a match report on a sports event, a review or preview of an event.
When writing remember the three W’s
- When did the event happen?
- Where did the event happen?
- What happened in the event.?
How to stick to the topic of writing?
- When writing it’s always good to mind map what you want to say. Therefore, this will help your workflow and stay on topic as a result the finished article will be easier for the reader to read.
- Write a list of what you want to cover in your work. This method will enable you to write in the most effective way by ticking off all the pointes as you go along.

How long should entries be?
- In industry, entries can be from 500 words to 1000 words depending on the type of writing your doing.
- When writing a report on an event you often want to tell the reader about the key points that happened. For example, in a football match report you would talk about who scored the goal, how the goal was scored, what minute did the goal happen.
- Reports generally are 500 words in length.
- Features are 1000 words in length as you would be writing about the event you’ve been to, your thoughts and feelings on the event, people you’ve talked to, what did you find interesting about the individual.
- A participation feature is where you partake in an event and then write about your experiences.
- When writing think about sights, smells, sounds of the places you’re writing from or what you would think in that situation.
- Before submitting make sure to read your work to check for grammar and punctuation.
- Proof reading will allow you to identify any errors.
Finally, from us all on the FJA team, we hope you have an incredible Christmas.