Performance and Intervention

On Friday 23rd, thirty professionals from policing, social work and offender intervention programme came to Staffordshire University to take part in experimental research undertaken by the third year students. This project was designed and delivered by Em Temple-Malt and Sarah Page of the newly established Staffordshire University Crime and Society Research Group.
Global cafe discussion

The day began with a short presentation on the key findings from a study carried out in the summer of 2016 which focused on improvements that could be made to services for perpetrators of domestic abuse on behalf of Public Health commissioners from The Safer City Partnership. It involved speaking to a range of professionals (who work with victims of domestic abuse and perpetrators of domestic abuse), with perpetrators of domestic abuse, who at the time of the interviews were engaged in educational and rehabilitative programmes in Stoke on Trent that are aimed at giving them skills to change their behaviour and helping them to learn how to have ‘healthy’ relationships.

Workshop intervention 2The group produced 32 recommendations that they felt could inform alterations to strategies and service provision designed to reduce domestic abuse offending, and then produced a play expressing some of their findings.
Some of the scenes were ‘forumed’, and the audience had the opportunity to point out moments in the perpetrator’s journey where others the perpetrator encounters, could meaningfully intervene or change how they respond to his behaviour. The actors incorporated these suggestions into their scenes in ways that generated intense discussion.


Workshop intervention

“This experience has been invaluable as it has given me a confidence I didn’t have before. I now feel ready to act, research and report like a professional sociologist. Talking ideas with career professionals now comes naturally and I can’t wait to do it again” Daniel Gill

The Domestic Abuse event (what I saw of it in the morning) was interesting to be because it made me realise that sociological research can really make a difference in individual’s lives to an extent I perhaps did not realise before. Seeing all the professionals come together to brainstorm ideas was so powerful and it gave me hope that a difference can one day be made. Rosie Brindle-WilkinsonCast

“It was an amazing experience to participate in this fascinating research project from start to finish. I am extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity to join with my academic peers and mentors in seeing our summer research come to life in such an impactful way, the drama was to such a high standard that it did not fall short of being powerful, thought-provoking and all round amazing, it is a piece of art that can definitely change ideas and perceptions.” –Alex Robinson

“An invaluable opportunity to be part of the research process. “This event was the culmination of our research over the summer and I got a real buzz from seeing how the findings were interpreted and captured by Paul and the drama students. It was fascinating to see how the audience interacted with the forum theatre piece and to see a world cafe in action” Alison

“A great opportunity to be involved in discussions with local organisations about the research findings and possible changes that could be made as a result of the research.The forum theatre was a powerful and captivating tool to use to tell a story of domestic abuse and to also involve audience members and stimulate discussions.An all round amazing, thought provoking and memorable day. “Joni

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