Fighting Cyber-crime

On Tuesday the 7th February, the West Midlands Regional Organised Crime Unit’s (WMROCU) Cyber crime team attended Staffordshire University.

Detective Inspector Rob Harris (Pictured) and Detective Sergeant Gary Sirrell hosted a workshop for the Crime Prevention and Urban Criminology students, on what was a very a fitting day, Safer Internet Day

Cyber crimeWMROCU has the responsibility of protecting the communities in the West Midlands from serious organised and complex crime.  Gary and Rob gave a fantastic insight into the current cyber threat landscape, and the UK Cyber Strategy, whilst also providing some local case studies. They concluded with some advice around what businesses and the public can do to protect themselves against a cyber-attack.   The input clearly linked to topics already discussed with students, such as partnership working, education and future threat.

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About Farah Mendlesohn

The School of Law, Policing and Forensics at Staffordshire University offers the LLB, MA and LLM; degrees in Policing and Criminal Investigation, Sociology, Criminology and Terrorism and Forensic Science and Investigation. With over fifty staff members we have expertise in rape testing, prevention and prosecution, ballistic testing, fibre analysis, soil analysis, family law and employment law among others. We offer BA and BSc, MSci and MScs along with a Masters by Applied Research in a range of areas including forensic archaeology. @StaffsUniLPF @StaffsFACS_Dept @StaffsUniLaw

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