Student Lauren Bicknell talks about the power of Linkedin as a networking tool

_20170218_183012Lauren (first on the left) “I was selected to take part in an advocacy training exercise (15th Feb) organised by future pupil barrister Jamie Hill. For the exercise, we had to prepare and present a plea in mitigation. I posted a brief overview and thank you to Jamie on LinkedIn alongside a picture of myself during the exercise. From this, my post has had 928 views on Linkedin, most of which are from people in the legal profession and I have since had two QC’s get in contact with me and offer me mini pupillages, or have given me details of other barristers they know for me to get in contact with and organise minis with them. 


I went to a an ‘Administrative Law After Brexit’ seminar at Kings Chambers in Manchester (6th Feb) and I introduced myself to Nigel Poole QC, who hosted the seminar. I asked him whether Kings Chambers offer mini pupillages; they don’t as such but they hold a ‘mini pupillage event weekend’ in which he has recommended me for and has endorsed me on Linkedin. 


However most excitingly: I read Gary Bell QC’s autobiography ‘Animal QC’ as I was aware that we grew up around the same area. In fact, we actually went to the same school and I grew up in the village next to his. I connected with him on LinkedIn and sent him a message introducing myself and mentioned our similar backgrounds. He messaged me straight back with helpful advice and said ‘I can certainly sort you out with a mini-pupillage or several. Let me know what you want.’ “

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