Harriet Rowley goes to the Inner Temple

Harriet at the Inner TempleHarriet Rowley is a level five student reading law in the Staffordshire University Law Department. Earlier this year Harriet was successful in an application to Inner Temple’s Pegasus Access and Support Scheme (PASS). Harriet was one of twenty – five students chosen from applicants across the country, to take part in the programme and will enjoy participating in taught sessions throughout 2017 at the Inner Temple. 

Harriet pictured above in the Inner Temple, attended her first event as part of the scheme. Harriet kindly wrote about her experience.

In November 2016, I applied for the Inner Temple’s Pegasus Access and Support Scheme (PASS) after being signposted to it by one of lecturers, Louis Martin. PASS is a scheme in place to assist those from “non-traditional” backgrounds to gaining a career at the Bar; this includes help in attaining mini-pupillages, as well as the opportunity to attend networking and advocacy workshops. Unfortunately, as I have already undertaken legal work experience and mini-pupillages in the past, my application was deemed “too strong” for the work experience side of the course, but I was still invited to attend the workshops and the black tie dinner.

On Tuesday 7th March, I attended The Inner Temple’s annual “Dinner to the Universities” with other PASS candidates, as well as students from Russell Group universities, including students from Oxbridge establishments. This amazing experience enabled me to experience a different side of life at the Bar, as well as a fabulous opportunity to network and converse with those who are already distinguished within the legal profession. I felt extraordinarily proud to be representing Staffordshire University at an event such as this, and I am extremely grateful to The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple for demonstrating an interest in helping me to develop my professional skills in order to achieve my aim of a career at the Bar. I look forward to June where I shall be attending a three day networking and advocacy training event.”

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About Farah Mendlesohn

The School of Law, Policing and Forensics at Staffordshire University offers the LLB, MA and LLM; degrees in Policing and Criminal Investigation, Sociology, Criminology and Terrorism and Forensic Science and Investigation. With over fifty staff members we have expertise in rape testing, prevention and prosecution, ballistic testing, fibre analysis, soil analysis, family law and employment law among others. We offer BA and BSc, MSci and MScs along with a Masters by Applied Research in a range of areas including forensic archaeology. @StaffsUniLPF @StaffsFACS_Dept @StaffsUniLaw

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