New legal apprenticeships to transform profession.

“We believe the new Legal Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to attract quality applicants to paralegal and legal assistant job vacancies and to train and develop them in the role.”

Ruby Hammer, Head of Law

Law firms are being invited to find out about changes to legal education and new legal apprenticeships on offer from Staffordshire University.

Staffordshire University is among the first in the country to deliver new three and five year legal apprenticeships which are set to transform entry to the legal profession over the next decade.

The higher apprenticeships will lead to professional qualification with the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILexs).

Law firms and organisations with legal departments are invited to an apprenticeships launch event in the Law building on Wednesday, 5th April at 12pm, followed by a networking lunch in the Court Room.

Staffordshire University Head of the Law, Ruby Hammer said: “We believe the new Legal Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to attract quality applicants to paralegal and legal assistant job vacancies and to train and develop them in the role.

“It’s a struggle for graduates to secure a training contract when there are far more Legal Practice Course students than there are spaces but the new apprenticeships are a route to qualifying as a solicitor without the need for a training contract.

“Market research carried out with our current students has shown that they value training and job prospects over level of salary when seeking employment.”

The five year route is designed with school and college leavers in mind whereas the three year route enables law firms to employ a law graduate and to invest in their training.

Ruby added: “Instead of just offering a post, law firms can offer a strong training package which gives apprentices the chance to qualify as a fellow of CILEx.”

“Under the new government Apprenticeship Levy, levy payers will have the costs of the training covered in full, whilst SME businesses get 90% funding, meaning they only need to pay £240 per annum in course fees.”

Drawing on the Law department’s expertise in developing blended learning courses, the apprenticeships will involve a combination of distance learning and face-to-face teaching which will take place in a block twice a year.

Staffordshire University are powering the future of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships and are working with a number of organisations including Vodafone, NHS, Perkins and Staffordshire Police to develop their workforce and shape future careers.

The University has recently confirmed its place on the Skills Funding Agency Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers which means it has the green light to delivery apprenticeships to levy paying employers.

Set to come into force this month, the government Apprenticeship Levy requires employers to invest in apprenticeships, with the size of the investment dependent on the size of the business.


Maria Scrivens
Media Relations Manager
Marketing and Public Relations
L600, Flaxman Building
College Road
t: +44 (0)1782 294375
m: 07766 520339

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