What happens in the labs when you are away

So it is the Easter break. Time to relax, spend some time with the family, eat chocolate!

For us technical staff the breaks are often as busy as the teaching term! We have large-scale cleaning, disposals, stocktaking, ordering and replenishing just to start. With the third semester for the MSc students on the horizon, there is also solution making for the wet practical labs, setting up and preparation for the criminalistics labs, a deep clean of the crime scene house and some trauma make-up, engineer visits, maintenance of instrumentation and equipment; not forgetting all the normal weekly routine work, whilst still available for support of the MSci, placement students, and our Belgian and Dutch interns. Thank goodness for bank holidays J

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About Farah Mendlesohn

The School of Law, Policing and Forensics at Staffordshire University offers the LLB, MA and LLM; degrees in Policing and Criminal Investigation, Sociology, Criminology and Terrorism and Forensic Science and Investigation. With over fifty staff members we have expertise in rape testing, prevention and prosecution, ballistic testing, fibre analysis, soil analysis, family law and employment law among others. We offer BA and BSc, MSci and MScs along with a Masters by Applied Research in a range of areas including forensic archaeology. @StaffsUniLPF @StaffsFACS_Dept @StaffsUniLaw

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