How the LPC at Staffs is Helping Me Reach The Bar

“I am doing quite well thanks to Staffordshire University”

Amit Mahabir completed the Legal Practice Course at Staffordshire University and has since started his service training for the Bar in Trinidad and Tobago. 

“I would like to thank Staffordshire University for what was an interesting, uplifting experience for me. My time in the UK was indeed a memorable one.

Amit Mahabir BSc MBA LLB LPC

Thanks for everything. Thanks for listening to my concerns, responding in a quick and efficient manner on blackboard and, most of all, the dedication and commitment the tutors had to seeing everyone succeed.

My time with you was indeed a remarkable one. I contemplated long and hard to pursue the LPC at Staffordshire [and], 9 months later, having completed the programme I have no regrets.  Having a full time job and studies, I was still able to be flexible throughout the course.


I was successful at my exams and have started my in service training with a law firm here in Trinidad.  After completing 6 months in training I will be called to the Bar of Trinidad and Tobago.”

Congraulations to Amit, and all of our LPC graduates, and all the best for the future and Bar training. 





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About lmw2

Dr Laura Walton-Williams is the Course Leader for the Forensic Investigation Degrees at Staffordshire University. Her research interests focus on Forensic Biology, including DNA analysis, body fluid interpretation, sexual offences and blood pattern interpretation.

One thought on “How the LPC at Staffs is Helping Me Reach The Bar

  1. Fantastic! Congratulations Amit Mahabir, excellent job indeed. Joggling work, business, family life and studies at the same time , challenging but definitely not impossible… may this be an inspiration to everyone. Determination and hardwork gets the job done. Keep reaching for the ⭐️ stars.

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