Shaping Healthy Relationships in Schools

“New research at Staffordshire University is exploring how drama can be used to educate secondary school pupils about unhealthy relationships.

In September 2020, it will be compulsory for primary and secondary schools to include relationship education in its PSHE curriculum. In anticipation of this, Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology Dr Em Temple-Malt is leading a research project to explore and evaluate different approaches for educating children and young people.”

Read the full article and check out the video on the Staffordshire University News site here.

“We anticipate that it is going to be more effective to act out the changes in terms of creating those long-term messages about creating healthy relationships for the future.”

School pupils watched a drama performance by Staffordshire University students

You can also read the podcast of Em’s interview on Signal 1 here

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About lmw2

Dr Laura Walton-Williams is the Course Leader for the Forensic Investigation Degrees at Staffordshire University. Her research interests focus on Forensic Biology, including DNA analysis, body fluid interpretation, sexual offences and blood pattern interpretation.

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