Just what would a local lockdown mean for Wolverhampton?

Before a second lockdown was enforced around Birmingham and Wolverhampton, Lecturer in Law, Aidan Flynn was consulted on the topic for an article in the Express Star.

‘Aidan Flynn, a senior lecturer in Law at Staffordshire University and an expert in Government powers around coronavirus, believes Wolverhampton would most likely follow other towns which have brought in restrictions.

He said: “The two main issues would be the number of people gathering together in one area and restrictions on how certain businesses might operate in relation to times of opening. Broadly speaking, that’s what’s going on in Bolton at the moment.

There could be restrictions on food outlets. If there was to be a decision to tighten things in Wolverhampton in a similar way to Bolton then we could be looking at that situation of restricting opening hours.” 

He added: “There is the chance of the law being discredited if it is not properly enforced. You would probably have the chief constable and the police and crime commissioner thinking about how they can get more out of their special constables.” ‘

You can read the full article here

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