An Update from a Researcher in Forensic Handwriting and Document Examination

Nikolaos Kalantzis, a Forensics Researcher at Staffordshire University, has had some exciting months discussing and presenting his research.

I was invited to deliver a webinar for Namirial’s partner campus [in August]. It is a company that sets up Biometric Signature solutions worldwide & the webinar was attended by more than 40 people from all over the world. The title of the webinar was Forensic Handwriting Experts taking digitally captured signatures seriously and parts of our PhD research were presented.

There is more information on this here:

I also presented three (& co-authored one more) presentations at the 78th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE). Two of those included parts of our PhD research.

You can watch a recording of one of the presentations here

The other two presentations that are related to our research are here (but require free registration to access):

The Chinese government liked these presentations so much that they translated them & gave me the chinese versions, so those are also available here:

Upcoming plans

Three publications from my collaboration with the ENFHEX STEFA G8 group are underway.

I will be presenting content (including parts of our research) for Wacom’s Connected Ink event in November 2020.

I have been invited to present specifically Biometric Signature lectures & a workshop (so content directly connected to our research) for the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) meeting in February.

You can also read  “Assisted vs. Guided Handwriting: a current approach to an old problem” from Niko Kalantzis & Leonidas Gigogiannos here

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