Set in Clay: The Journal of International Relations, History and Politics

Each year our students on the International Studies courses publish an online journal, showcasing the finest undergraduate and postgraduate coursework submitted.

Set in Clay is the result of a four-week-long project to peer review, curate and publish an online journal as part of the university’s Get Ahead programme, since 2019.

Set in Clay Volume 1 (June 2019)

The first volume contains work categorised into topics about ‘Britain and the End of Empire’, ‘Intelligence’, ‘Consumer Society’, ‘Modern Italy’, ‘Refugees and Immigrants’, ‘Political Thought’, ‘International Relations’ and the ‘USA, 1776-present’. 

View Volume 1 here.

Set in Clay Volume 2 (June 2020)

The second volume includes two undergraduate dissertations on ‘Feminism and the Irish Revolution’ and ‘Globalisation and Neo-Nationalism in the Global North-West’, as well as various topics categorised from modules covered on the degree: such as the ‘French Revolution’, ‘India and Pakistan’, ‘International Society’, ‘Ireland’, ‘Intelligence and International Relations’, ‘The Soviet Union’ and ‘Presenting the past’.

There is also postgraduate work ranging from ‘The Myth of the “First Great Debate” ‘, ‘How actively does China now engage in multilateral diplomacy’ and ‘In what ways can new technology change the practices of diplomacy?’. 

This issue also contains a COVID-19 Pandemic Special on how the Coronavirus has impacted students and staff in 202

View Volume 2 here.

Set in Clay, June 2019 Committee

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