International Book Giving Day

The 14th February is not only Valentine’s Day, it is also International Book Giving Day. The day is a volunteer initiative aimed at increasing access to books. We asked staff to suggest some books from their subject areas (both fiction and non-fiction) that they enjoyed reading and that others may find interesting.



Blue: A memoir: Keeping the Piece and Falling to Pieces by John Sutherland

Suggested by: Dr Lauren Metcalfe, Policing Course Director






Court Number One: The Old Bailey Trials that Defined Modern Britain by Thomas Grant

Suggested by: Jo Beswick, Law Lecturer








Crossing the line: Lessons from a Life on Duty by John Sutherland

Suggested by: Dr Lauren Metcalfe, Policing Course Director





I am Pilgrim: Can You Commit the Perfect Crime by Terry Hayes

Suggested by: Dr Fran Stubbs-Hayes, Forensics Lecturer





In Spies We Trust: The Story of Western Intelligence by Rhodri Jefreys-Jones

Suggested by: Associate Professor Tony Craig, Lecturer in International Studies






In Your Defence: Stories of Life and Law by Sarah Langford

Suggested by: Jo Beswick, Law Lecturer





Isis: The State of Terror by Jessica Stern and J.M Berger

Suggested by: Aman Jaswal, PhD Researcher







On The Farm: Robert Pickton and the Tragic Story of Vancourver’s Missing Women by Stevie Cameron

Suggested by: Emma Tilley, Policing Lecturer for the Institute of Policing




Police Socialisation, Identity and Culture: Becoming Blue by Sarah Chapman

Suggested by: Dr Lauren Metcalfe, Policing Course Director






Research Ethics: In the Real World by Helen Kara

Suggested by: Sarah Page, Criminology Lecturer





Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken by The Secret Barrister

Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies by The Secret Barrister

Suggested by: Dr John McGarry, Law Lecturer




Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime by Val McDermid

Suggested by: Professor Graham Williams, Forensics Lecturer






The Cyber Effect by Mary Aiken

Suggested by: Abbeygail Standen, Policing Lecturer for the Institute of Policing






When the Dogs Don’t Bark: A Forensic Scientist’s Search for the Truth by Angela Gallop

Suggested by: Professor Graham Williams, Forensics Lecturer

Wills and Covid

Charmaine Watkins (Student) 

For a Will to be valid there are three main requirements, as set out in the Wills Act 1937, these are: 

  • It must be in writing
  • Signed by the testator, who is over 18
  • Witnessed by two witnesses, who are over 18, in the presence of the testator

Creating a will is important for protecting your assets including property, money and sentimental objects. A will is a legal document that ensures your wishes are fulfilled.  

However, Covid changed this. In September 2020 a statutory instrument was introduced to allow for wills to be witnessed virtually. This allows the will to be sent to the various parties and witnessed using a virtual platform such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. This allows for wills to be executed even during lockdown. 

However, according to the government guidance on video-witnessed wills,virtual witnessing should be the last resort and people should attempt to arrange for physical witnessing of wills where it is safe to do so. 

A spokesman from the ministry of justice has stated; ‘We know the pandemic has made it more difficult to make a will. That’s why we are changing the law to ensure video-witnessed wills are legally recognised. These changes will give peace of mind to many that their last wishes can still be recorded while maintaining all the existing safeguards against fraud or disputes.’ 

Simon Davis the Law society president has welcomed this decision however has said that solicitors will need the correct training to ensure this is done correctly. And that in the long term, wider reforms for the wills Act will be needed to bring it into the 21st century.  

There has however, been more recent criticism with this reform, probate specialists have called it ‘pretty unattractive’ as the remote system can cause delays because the will has to be physically signed by three people, the testator and the two witnesses, who can be all over the country, who will need the will to be posted to each member to be signed which will cause a delay between each signature.  

She also added that there are issues with ensuring the testator has capacity and is not acting under undue influence as well as making sure the client is correctly identified.  

At Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) we offer free legal advice on probate matters (although we do not draft wills). If you wish to book an appointment call us on 01782 294 800 or alternately email us at 


Lasting Power of Attorney & the Ability to Plan Ahead

Harry Gabell (Student)

A Lasting power of attorney (LPA)  is something which you can (and perhaps ought to) have set up before your health deteriorates An LPA is a legal document whereby a trusted friend or family member is given the powers to make some decisions on your behalf, if you no longer have the mental capacity to make these decisions by yourself. Generally speaking, LPA’s are usually considered by the elderly, but the option is available to anybody over the age of 18.

What does an LPA do exactly?

The LPA formalises a relationship between a ‘donor’, who creates the power, and the ‘attorney’, who may use the power if the donor loses mental capacity. To have capacity, a person must be able to understand the information they need to make a decision, evaluate it, and then communicate their intentions. So, while you still have mental capacity, you can appoint somebody to make decisions on your behalf in two areas, should you ever lose it. These are:

  • Health and welfare
  • Property and finance

Your attorney can cover just one of these areas, or both, but they must be arranged using different forms. Also, by creating these arrangements, it does not mean that the donor is giving up any control. The powers should only be used at the point of the loss of mental capacity.

Health and welfare power of attorneys concern medical treatment and other interactions with healthcare staff. Health and welfare powers could also cover more serious medical decisions, but these kinds of decisions could already be made by the donor in advance using a ‘living will’.

Property and finance powers cover money, tax, bills, accounts, property, pensions and benefits, among other things. They could also deal with situations where there is a need to pay for equipment or supplies, for example a wheelchair, or new clothes. Wherever possible, the donor’s property and finance should be kept separate from the attorney’s, although some couples using shared bank accounts won’t be able to do this. Unlike health and welfare powers, property and finance powers may be used before the loss of mental capacity.

What does an LPA cost?

In England and Wales, setting up an LPA carries a cost of £82 (for both health and welfare and property and finance, that would be £164). This is the fee for the compulsory registration of the power of attorney. If you instruct solicitors to help you get the power there will be further fees..

Arranging an LPA comes strongly recommended from both a financial and a personal protection standpoint. Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) offers free legal advice and can advise on matters of lasting powers of attorney arrangements (although we do not draft the applications). SULAC is offering appointments online, through Microsoft Teams due to COVID – 19. For additional information, or to book an appointment please call on 01782 294800 or email at




Changes to Divorce Law

Emma Peake (Student)

The law on divorce us due to undergo a radical change. The changes are likely to come in effect in the Autumn of 2021 or early 2022.

Under the current law you must prove that your marriage has broken down irretrievably. You show this you must prove one of the five grounds: 

  • Adultery
  • Unreasonable behaviour. This can include:
    • Physical violence,
    • Verbal abuse- such as insults and/or threats,
    • Drunkenness and/or drug-taking,  
    • Refusing to pay towards shared living expenses. 
  • Desertion- your husband or wife has left you for at least two years since separation 
  • You have been separated for at least two years and the opposite spouse agrees to the divorce, or
  • You have been separated for five years; the opposite spouse does not need to agree to the divorce.

The  majority of applications rely upon adultery or unreasonable behaviour. The very process of listing allegations can often aggravate the other party and can sometimes mean that negotiations in respect of children and the finances can become very acrimonious.

So what is changing? 

The changes involve the introduction of the concept of “no-fault divorce”. The new procedure will no longer require blame to be put on the other party. The main benefit of this change is to reduce blame and acrimony and allow parties to deal with finances and children in a more constructive manner. 

Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland said, “The bill reform will not come into force upon Royal Ascent because time needs to be followed for careful implementation.” This means that once the bill has been accepted as new law, the law will not be enforced immediately on that date until it is fully satisfied that is has been interpreted correctly.  

What triggered the need for change?  

Practitioners have been suggesting that this would be beneficial for some time. The issue was highlighted in the case of Owens V Owens Their marriage had completely broken down, but none of the grounds for divorce could be fully satisfied, they just simply “fell out of love”.  Mr Owens was able to successfully contest the divorce. The case then went to the Court of Appeal, who agreed with the decision but highlighted the difficulties arising from this case.

What are the changes? 

The new legislation will: 

  • Replace the five facts with a new requirement to provide a statement of irretrievable breakdown, 
  • Remove the possibility of contesting the divorce,
  • Introduce an option for a joint application, and
  • Make sure that language is in plain English, for example changing “decree absolute” to final order and “decree nisi” to conditional order. The “petitioner” of the divorce will become the applicant. 

This has been the biggest shake-up for divorce law in fifty years.  The no-blame divorce is more administrative than a court procedure. Baroness Hales said that being able to say that the marriage has simply failed, without holding the other party accountable, could ease some stress. The process will be easier.  

Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) provides free legal advice on all family related matters. We are working remotely during the pandemic and interviews are conducted via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact us on01782 294800 or email us 




16 and 46: Preserving, Protecting and Defending

Aidan Flynn, Senior Lecturer in the Law Department, looks at some similarities and differences between the office of US President and the office of UK Prime Minister

New President

Joe Biden, of the Democratic Party, is now the 46th President.  At his inauguration ceremony he took the oath that is set out in the Constitution of the USA 1789, “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  In his inauguration speech, President Biden quoted the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln (1861 to 1865), of the Republican Party, “in another January on New Year’s Day in 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.  When he put pen to paper the president said, and I quote, ‘if my name ever goes down in history, it’ll be for this act, and my whole soul is in it.’”  Mr Lincoln led his country in very difficult times with the years of the American Civil War coinciding with his period in office.  Referring to the present day, President Biden continued “here we stand just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people, to stop the work of our democracy, to drive us from this sacred ground.  It did not happen, it will never happen, not today, not tomorrow, not ever.  Not ever.”  Like Lincoln, President Biden has a very difficult path in front of him, he faces a “pile of crises.”  Like ‘Honest Abe’ he is confronted by a series of stark challenges.  His long years of experience as an elected representative will stand him in good stead as he fulfils his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

Head of what?

In the USA the President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America.  In the United Kingdom these roles are separate, the monarch being head of state and the Prime Minister being head of government.  Graubard states that “simplicity, the theme of the nineteenth-century American republic, made the president the first citizen amongst equals, but these practices gave way in the twentieth century to a new kind of presidential office that vaunted itself on its simplicity, but showed unmistakable signs of having assumed the trappings traditionally bestowed on European heads of state.”  The British monarchy is a constitutional monarchy, this means that while the Queen is head of state it is the UK Parliament that makes legislation.  The website of the monarchy tells readers that the Queen “undertakes constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history.”  The monarch has no political or executive role, it is the Prime Minister who is “the most important politician in the UK.”


Presidential elections in the USA take place every four years and are held in November.  Every state in the USA has a different number of what are known as electoral college members.  The number of members per state is apportioned according to its population and representation in Congress.  The candidate who wins the most votes in a state controls all that state’s electoral college members.  The electoral college members cast the votes for President and the votes are formally counted at a joint session of Congress in January.  The figure needed to win is 270 and in 2020 Joe Biden received 306 to Donald Trump’s 232.  Sometimes the winning candidate will not have also won the biggest number of votes in the national popular vote.  For example, in November 2000, in the national popular vote Al Gore received over 540,000 more votes than George W. Bush.  What is crucial is to win in the electoral college process and George W. Bush became President in January 2001 having done that, receiving 271 votes to Mr Gore’s 266. 

In the UK the Prime Minister is appointed by the monarch either after a general election has taken place or when a sitting Prime Minister has departed the office at some point during the term of Parliament.  By convention, the Prime Minister must be an MP, that is a member of the House of Commons.  This contrasts with the position in the USA where the President is not a sitting member of either house of the legislature.

When the result of a general election gives one political party a clear overall majority in the House of Commons, the position is straightforward.  The leader of that party will, as in December 2019, be invited by the monarch to become Prime Minister and form the government.  When there is a hung Parliament, in which no one party has an overall majority, the position may not be as straightforward.  Le Sueur comments that “there is academic disagreement about the extent to which the monarch has discretion” in relation to a decision about who to appoint should the party leaders in the Commons be struggling to strike any kind of deal on government formation.

Timeline when entering office

In the USA there is always a gap of time between November’s election and the moment when a new President assumes office.  The 20th Amendment, to the Constitution of the USA, states that “the terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January.”  By contrast, in the UK the timeline between a general election and the appointment of the new Prime Minister is usually a matter of hours rather than weeks.  This is illustrated by the transfer of power that occurred in May 1997 when the party led by the incumbent Prime Minister, John Major, was defeated in a general election.  The general election was held on the 1st of May and John Major left 10 Downing Street on the 2nd of May.  Having first travelled to Buckingham Palace and been appointed by the Queen as new Prime Minister, Tony Blair arrived in 10 Downing Street in the early afternoon, Mr Major having “walked out only moments before I had come in.”   If a general election produces a hung Parliament, the timeline will be different.  For example, in 2010 the general election took place on the 6th of May, but it was on the 11th of May that the incumbent, Gordon Brown, resigned and was succeeded by David Cameron.  Mr Brown recalls that once it was clear that the election result was a hung Parliament, “the senior civil servants at the cabinet office, primed for this situation and armed with their Cabinet Manual, now moved into action to host what they knew would follow – inter-party negotiations.”  He resigned five days after the election when he formed the view that those negotiations were not going to yield an outcome that would see his party remain in government.


As head of government in the UK, the Prime Minister leads the executive, one of the three branches of government, the other branches being the legislature and the judiciary.  Government ministers are formally appointed by the monarch, but it is the Prime Minister who makes the decisions on who becomes a minister.  Similarly, it is the Prime Minister who has the power to make a decision as to when a minister must leave the government.  It is a convention that a minister must be a member of one of the houses of Parliament, most ministers are members of the House of Commons.  Senior ministers sit in the Cabinet, a body that holds regular meetings chaired by the Prime Minister.  Most of these senior ministers head up a government department, examples being the Secretary of State for Education, the Secretary of State for Transport.  Barnett outlines how it is the Cabinet that represents “the nucleus of government” adding that it is “the Cabinet as a whole which, at least in theoretical terms, formulates, initiates and implements the policy of the government.”  In the USA the Cabinet is also an important aspect of the executive branch of government.  The Cabinet is made up of the fifteen heads of the executive departments.  They are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The requirement for there to be confirmation hearings, in the upper house of Congress, has no equivalent in the UK.  Persons picked by the Prime Minister to serve in Cabinet do not face confirmation hearings in Parliament, the legislature of the UK.  In the USA members of the Cabinet will not also be serving in either house of Congress, unlike the convention in the UK that a Cabinet minister must be a sitting member of the legislature.  This is a notable difference between the systems of the two countries, it means that in the UK members of the Cabinet have a role in two of the three branches of government.  They are simultaneously members of the executive and legislative branches whereas in the USA Cabinet ministers only serve in the executive branch.  Another difference in the two systems relates to the Attorney General.  In the USA the Attorney General is a member of the Cabinet and is head of the Justice Department.  In the UK the Attorney General is a member of the government and attends Cabinet meetings but she is not a member of the Cabinet.

Length of term

In the USA the President is, under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, limited to two four-year terms.  The 22nd Amendment was ratified in 1951.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the only President to have served more than two terms, being elected four times and serving from 1932 until his death in 1945.  It is possible for a President to remain in office for ten years.  This applies in specific circumstances and can be examined by looking at the presidency of Lyndon Johnson.  He was Vice President in November 1963 when President John Kennedy, who had been inaugurated in January 1961, was assassinated.  Mr Johnson was sworn in as President on the day that the assassination occurred and then won the November 1964 presidential election.  He could have stood as a candidate again in 1968 but opted not to do so.  However, had the assassination of Mr Kennedy taken place at a point during the first two years of his term, Mr Johnson would not have been eligible to enter the 1968 contest.     

In the UK there is no limit on the length of time that someone can serve as Prime Minister.  Since 1940, there have been three Prime Ministers who held office for longer than eight years, Winston Churchill (1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955), Margaret Thatcher (1979 to 1990) and Tony Blair (1997 to 2007).


A president’s time in office will end when he has completed two terms or if he is defeated in the election that occurs at the end of the first term.  Of the last seven presidents, four left office after eight years, these are Reagan (1989), Clinton (2001), GW Bush (43)(2009), and Obama (2017).  The other three, who were unsuccessful candidates when they campaigned for a second term, are Carter (1980), GHW Bush (41)(1992), and Trump (2020).  Eight presidents have died in office, four of whom were assassinated, Abraham Lincoln (1865), James Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901) and John Kennedy (1963).

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1967, sets out some circumstances in which it is possible for the Vice President to take over the powers and duties of the President, and operate in the capacity of Acting President.  This Amendment is relevant where the President is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”  In January 2021 Vice President Mike Pence rejected calls for him to invoke provisions of the 25th Amendment in relation to President Donald Trump.

Impeachment of a President is covered by Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution.  It provides for removal from office on “Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  In 1974 Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached, he is the only president to ever resign the office.  Andrew Johnson (1868) and Bill Clinton (1998) were both impeached by the House of Representatives but acquitted after a trial in the Senate.  In December 2019 Donald Trump became the third president to be impeached when the House of Representatives voted to adopt articles of impeachment. Like Johnson and Clinton, he was acquitted after a trial in the Senate.  The Senate voted to acquit him 52-48 on charges of abuse of power and 53-47 on obstruction of Congress.  On the 13th of January 2021 President Trump became the first president to be impeached twice  when the House of Representatives voted to adopt articles of impeachment.

Seven prime ministers have died in office, one of whom was assassinated, Spencer Perceval (1812).  The most recent instance of death in office was Lord Palmerston (1865).  In certain circumstances a prime minister could be dismissed by the monarch.  This happened in 1834 when King William IV dismissed William Lamb.   On departure through dismissal, it is also relevant to recall what occurred in Australia, a member of the Commonwealth, in 1975.  The Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, was dismissed by the Governor-General, the Queen’s representative in Australia.

The departure of most prime ministers is brought about by resignation.  A prime minister will resign upon being defeated at a general election, the most recent example being Gordon Brown in 2010.  An exit by way of resignation can also occur where a prime minister faces a leadership challenge in her party.  In 1990 Margaret Thatcher resigned amidst substantial internal divisions, about her leadership, within the Conservative Party.  Describing how what he calls “the most striking ‘boss’ prime ministership of the post-war period” came to an end, Hennessy relates that nearly two-thirds of her Cabinet told her she could not go on.  He adds that “this was the crucial moment when she realized that her pyrotechnic command premiership was finished.”  Another reason for resignation can be the rejection, in a national referendum, of a major policy position advocated by the Prime Minister.  The departure of David Cameron, in 2016, illustrates this and he records that “Britain was leaving the EU and I was leaving the job I loved.” 

There is a convention that if a government loses a vote of confidence in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister should resign, and a general election take place.  This occurred in 1979 when the government of Prime Minister James Callaghan lost a vote of confidence, by one vote 311 to 310.  The Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 modified the position where a government loses a vote of confidence in the Commons.  This Act provides that an election is only triggered if, within fourteen days of the vote, neither the previous administration nor an alternative government has secured the confidence of the House of Commons.


The most significant similarity between the US President and UK Prime Minister is that both are world leaders elected in countries with a democratic system of government, the USA a republic and the UK a constitutional monarchy.  Abraham Lincoln summed up the nature of democracy in his famous address at Gettysburg, “that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  The first President, George Washington, entered into office in 1789 and the Constitution that came into effect that year is still the fundamental document underpinning the governance system.

The year 2021 is the 300th anniversary of prime ministers.  The period in office of Robert Walpole, who is listed as the first Prime Minister, was 1721 to 1742.  Hennessy states that “each new arrival in No. 10 experiences it and manages it afresh, which is why transitions of governing and prime ministerial power repay especially close study.”

Close study of the last five years shows very vividly that the ability to command a parliamentary majority is a key element in determining how a premiership will go.  A Prime Minister with a good-sized majority in the House of Commons has greater authority than one who lacks this.

Barnett comments that “whatever the personal power of the Prime Minister, he or she is ultimately dependent upon the support of Cabinet, party and Parliament; and, in turn, that support is dependent upon the support of the electorate expressed not just through the vote at a general election, but continually expressed in that amorphous concept ‘the mood of the people.’”  Power rests with ‘the people’, every aspiring Prime Minister knows that, and every Prime Minister knows that he must never forget that.





What is the future for the Human Rights Act?

Charmaine Watkins (Student)

In October 2020, the Government released a statement proposing that the Human Rights Act would be reviewed and reformed, if necessary. Sir Peter Gross, a retired Court of Appeal judge along with eight other senior lawyers and academics have been announced as being the panel who will be reviewing the current Human Rights Act.  

What is the Human Rights Act? 

The Human Rights Act sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to. It includes the rights set out in the European Convention of Human Rights and embodies that into domestic UK law. This came into force in 2000. The Act has three main effects: to seek justice in UK courts, for public bodies to respect the rights and for new laws to be compatible with the convention of rights.  

The Lord Chancellor, Robert Bucknall has recently said that is time ‘to take a fresh look at the Human Rights Act, to see how its provisions are operating and consider whether the framework could be improved’. This review will be happening in the summer of 2021. He has said that the government does not have any preconceived ideas and that there are some areas which need to be focused on during the review.  

What will be considered in the review? 

  • The relationship between domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights
  • The impact that the Human Rights Act has on the relationship between the judiciary, executive and parliament and whether domestic courts are being unduly drawn into areas of policy 
  • The way that the Act impacts outside the territory of the UK 

This announcement also stated that the UK will remain committed to the European Convention on Human Rights as the review is limited to the framework of the Act rather than the Rights themselves.  

This announcement of the review however has come under criticism from other political parties, with members of the Labour party saying “unlike the conservatives, Labour is proud of this country’s leading role in  developing Human Rights following the second world war. There is no need for a review into the rights and freedoms that underpin out democracy and all of us enjoy”.

David Greene, the President of the Law Society has defended this by saying: “the rights enshrined in the Act are core to the UK’s identify as a democratic, fair and just nation. These core values will be front and centre for the panel whose jobs will be to ensure that they are not rolled back or compromised.” 

Despite the criticisms the review will still be taking place in summer 2021, however, until then, the Act will still be functioning in the way it has for the past 20 years.  

At Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) we offer free legal advice on human right related matters. If you wish to book an appointment with us call 01782 294 800 or alternatively email    




How will the Courts recover from Covid 19?

Charmaine Watkins (Student)

As a result of Covid-19, courts were forced to change the way that they operate. Many hearings have had to move online but there are still major backlogs; the disruption caused by Covid-19 may have had a long term effect on the way that the courts work. 

HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) have put forward a proposal to ensure that the backlog of cases is dealt with as quickly and as smoothly as possible. However, this has been criticised, with Lord Chief Justice urging HMCTS to be realistic about the funding.  

In October 2020, the number of hearings, judges sitting, and disposals were close to pre-Covid-19 levels, however the pandemic has created more cases, particularly relating to employment and housing repossession. In September 2020, there were over 45 000 outstanding cases in the employment tribunal alone, this was expected to increase when the  Furlough Scheme ends. HMCTS have warned that ‘there is already a significant volume of cases waiting to be listed, so our focus now is on ensuring we process the current caseload as quickly as possible so we can manage the anticipated increase in demand effectively’. To tackle the backlog, hundreds of new staff have been recruited, judicial sitting times have been maximised, courts that have closed due to the pandemic have reopened and an introduction of ‘Nightingale Courts’ has been planned. The cost of the recovery plan is problematic, with many professionals being left to ask, ‘Where is the money coming from?’. The Lord Chief Justice said, whilst giving evidence to the Commons Justice Committee last week, it is ‘absolutely vital’ that courts operate at full pelt [in 2021]. 

The new Nightingale Courts will be temporary courts created in large buildings to allow more cases to be heard by judges in a large safe space. The Government had been told that a minimum of 60 extra court rooms would be needed for Criminal hearings alone, however since this only 10 new court rooms, in 5 Nightingale Courts have been created. James Mulholland QC, chair of the Criminal Bar Association has said ‘It needs to be repeated that buildings outside the court estate with large rooms must be found and opened,’ There has been no indication as of yet about how many Nightingale Courts will be created. 

David Greene, President of the Law Society has said that HMCTS needs to make maximum use of normal court hours and the existing estate before starting to introduce more drastic measures. Lord Barnett of Maldon said ‘My view for next year in all jurisdictions is that rather than the traditional approach to funding… there has to be a realistic assessment in every jurisdiction of the likely expectation of work coming into the system and in addition, there has to be a clear understanding of the additional backlogs we have to clear.’ 

HMCTS faces the undesirable task of clearing the backlog as effectively as possible, however, will nevertheless come under scrutiny about the courtrooms and other public buildings being unclean due to the large number of people visiting  during this time. The courts will be looking at ways to ensure that the backlog is dealt with, with the safety of all at the forefront of their minds.  

At Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) we offer free legal advice on civil related matters. If you wish to book an appointment with us call 01782 294 800 or alternatively email   


England’s special housing reforms are welcome, but what about private renters?

Lucy Cooper (Student)

Many people are happy to see that the government intends to improve social housing, however many people are raising the question why private renters should not get the same measures. In a recent white paper, the government have announced that reforms will include checks of the quality of homes and repairs and how the landlord engages with tenants and their handling of complaints.

The current law that is in place is the decent homes standard 2006 (which is the law that will be reformed) currently some of the standards set out that all social homes should have: 

  • an indoor bathroom and toilet, which should be replaced every 30 years
  • Kitchens must have an appropriate amount of workspace 
  • Adequate insulation against external noise
  • Adequate size and layout of common areas in flats.

As stated, the above only applied to social home. The issue still remains that people who privately rent, fewer properties meet the existing standard. Housing benefit is assessed on what is a reasonable amount of rent to pay goes on not the size of the building but as long as the bedrooms are above the minimum habitable size then it doesn’t matter how big the overall size of the property is.  

Sadly, thousands of individuals are still living in poor conditions and don’t know their rights when it comes to the minimum requirements for their home. Many people don’t know that it is a landlord’s requirement to fix these hazards to make sure your home is safe including: 

  • damp and mould 
  • excess cold
  • blocked drains
  • water leaks and blocked toilets
  • roof leaks
  • electrical hazards

It is always good to first reach out to your landlord to see if they can help you with the repairs. However, if you have exhausted all options the final route is to take the landlord to court. The court can order your landlord to carry out repairs, pay compensation and make an unsafe property fit to live in. if you do take your issue to court it is important to be well prepared, ensure that you keep all letter and emails to your landlord, take photos of the disrepair, damage or bad conditions, keep receipts for any items you had to replace and obtain medical reports if your health has suffered.

If you have experienced any of these issues and require more advice at Staffordshire Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) we offer free legal advice. Students are supervised by a qualified solicitor, if you wish to book an appointment with us, then please either call us on 01782 294800 or email us at 






Your Rights When Shopping Online

Priscilla De Paula (Student)

Every year on black Friday, shops are filled with people looking for good deals. This year however, COVID-19 changed this process, thousands of online shoppers were put on waiting lists as the websites could not deal with the number of people accessing online shops.

There are risks when purchasing online as consumers aren’t able to test the product or check if the picture of the product adequately describes what will be delivered. Furthermore, the delivery process can not only be delayed, but could also damage the products before arriving at the destination. What then are the consumer rights for online shoppers?

Online and distance selling companies are well instructed by the government on how to sell, what information to provide, how to tell the consumer their right to cancel and even how to register VAT. If these websites/companies do not follow government regulations, they will risk having to pay compensation or be given an unlimited fine. This does not apply to products worth less than £42. Although an online shopper is not able to see the product, and sometimes even can end up being misled by internet scams, there are certain steps they can take to be compensated for their loss.

Covid-19 has changed the way consumers shop and order services because now, 90% of what is bought is done online. Online shoppers are protected by the Consumer Rights Act and the Consumer Contracts Regulations. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot agree with an online company about a faulty product or damaged goods, these are the steps to take:

  • Take photos and videos of the damaged or faulty product for evidence. If it is a service or if there is damage caused to your property due to what was bought, get an estimate of how much repairs will be
  • Call the seller and check if they have an official complaints procedure to make a formal complaint- if you are not happy with their response:
  • Ask your card provider or PayPal to help
  • Check if an Alternative Dispute Resolution is available to avoid going to court
  • Make a claim to the court if the problem is not yet resolved

At Staffordshire Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) we offer free legal advice on consumer issues. Students are supervised by a qualified solicitor.

A free appointment can help you find out your rights and legal position.

Call us on 01782294800 or alternatively email us at for an appointment

Child Arrangement Orders and the Pandemic

Leona Shala (Student)

This pandemic has been difficult for all of us, but it has been reported that some parents have even used it as a means to stop ex-partners from seeing their child or children. Those ignoring child court orders could end up facing legal action. 

The guidance concerning parents who are living apart is very clear in that children under the ages of 18, upon sensible assessment and only if the children are not being put under any risk, can move between parents ‘homes. However, for some parents trust and communication has broken down and agreements about child visits seems to have become impossible. 

Sir Andrew, who is in charge of family courts in England and Wales states that “If the parents are acting in a cynical and opportunistic manner, then that’s wrong, and the courts will regard it as wrong” .He makes it clear that anyone using the pandemic as an opportunity to stop their partner from seeing their child is wrong and could face court action. 

It is made clear that child safety during the pandemic is down to the parents and the courts will not interfere with that unless that parental power is being abused to change child arrangement orders and parents are using the pandemic as an opportunity to do this. 

In order to get a child arrangements order you would be expected by the courts to have tried mediation. This is where you and your partner and a mediator, who is there to help you and your partner come to an agreement and try and resolve the problem between you, get together to attempt to resolve the problem. If mediation does not work, then you would apply to the courts and complete a C100 form.  The welfare of the child is paramount. 

At Staffordshire Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) we offer free legal advice on family-related matters. Students are supervised by a qualified solicitor. If you wish to book an appointment with us, then please either call us on 01782 294800 or alternatively email us at