What archaeology can tell us about the lives of children in England 1,500 years ago

“Following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the early fifth century, groups from northwest Europe made their way to British shores. Germanic peoples settled in what is now England between the fifth and seventh centuries AD.

The traditions around death and burial they brought with them provide us with a snapshot of the lives and deaths of people in these communities. Burials can also offer information about a frequently overlooked group: children.” 




Read Associate Professor Kirsty Squires‘ article ‘What archaeology can tell us about the lives of children in England 1,500 years ago’-  on The Conversation here

Line of Duty: two ex-anti-corruption officers on how the police actually catch ‘bent coppers’

Ahead of the season finale of Line of Duty this weekend, Sarah Jane Fox and James Holyoak (Policing Lecturers at Staffordshire University’s The Institute of Policing) discuss how police actually catch ‘bent coppers’.

“As fans of the show, we have been gripped by the dramatic twists and turns. Line of Duty is certainly brilliant TV. However, as experts in anti-corruption, as well as former police officers and Head of Professional Standards and the Anti-Corruption Unit within Leicestershire Police, we know that it’s not the most accurate picture of what it’s really like clamping down on corruption and weeding out ‘bent coppers’.” 

Read the full article on The Conversation here.

Sarah Everard: social media and the very real danger of contempt of court


Media coverage of criminal investigations often spark widespread discussion but did you know that any social media post which creates a substantial threat to the impartiality of a subsequent trial may amount to a contempt of court?

Senior Lecturer in Law, Dr John McGarry has written an insightful piece for The Conversation on why we all have to be mindful of engaging in speculation when it comes to ongoing cases.

TW: Violence against women

Boris Johnson may soon have the power to call elections whenever he wants – a legal view on why that’s not a good idea

“Legislation is currently making its way through the UK parliament to repeal the controversial fixed-term parliaments act, which sets the period between general elections at five years and limits the prime minister’s power to trigger an election earlier.

An earlier election is possible if two thirds of MPs vote for it or if the government loses a vote of confidence among MPs.” Find out more with Law Lecturer, Dr John McGarry’s article on The Conversation, here.

Video: unique footage of secret WW2 ‘Scallywag Bunkers’ that were Britain’s lethal last line of defence

(Geoforensic Researcher and Lecturer in Chemistry at Staffordshire University), Jamie Pringle (Keele University) and Peter Doyls (London South Bank University) have written an article on The Conversation about the unique footage of the secret WW2 Scallywag Bunkers. You can read the article and watch the video here

Spending Review 2020: the experts react

“The chancellor claimed the spending review ‘strengthens the United Kingdom’s place in the world’, and that the UK will remain ‘open and outward looking’. However, the financial resources required to make a convincing case for a global Britain were lacking.”

Associate Professor Simon Smith (Security and International Relations) shares his reaction to the Spending Review in a co-written piece on The Conversation. You can read the full article here.

How your car sheds microplastics into the ocean thousands of miles away

The impact of car travel on the environment is well known. Exhaust emissions pollute the atmosphere with gases that raise global temperatures and make the air less safe to breathe. Sadly, the problems don’t end there. Scientists have been studying another problem – and one that connects your daily commute to the most remote stretches of the world’s oceans.

Find out more from Professor Claire Gwinnett on The Conversation here

The racism faced by teenagers in the UK: new research

“Thousands of people took part in Black Lives Matter protests in the UK in recent months, not just in solidarity with Black people in the US following the murder of George Floyd, but also standing against racism in the UK. However, some people in the UK may assume that racism is not as big an issue in Britain as it is in the US – my latest research suggests otherwise.”

Read more on The Conversation here

Homeless numbers set to rise – but lockdown shows government can solve this

Fiona Hassett, is a PhD Scholarship Student, researching on homelessness, addiction and mental health issues and the lack of service provision.

“…as lockdown rolls on, it seems some homeless people are choosing to leave or even being evicted from their temporary accommodation. This is despite efforts from support workers, local councils and the government to enable them to “stay at home”.

With many hotels and B&Bs now reopening for tourists, there is also a real risk that many other homeless people will simply be returning to rough sleeping in the coming days and weeks. And along with the risks that come with rough sleeping, being homeless also increases the likelihood of contracting and spreading COVID-19.”

Read the full piece on The Conversation, here